Board App

PARSOL Board Application

The Pennsylvanian Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) is a registered IRS Public Charity 501c(3) nonprofit organization that is committed to seeing that "liberty and justice for all" is applied equally to PA citizens, particularly to individuals labeled by the Commonwealth as "sex offenders". We are pleased to know that there are people like you who share the same ideals as us and want to make a difference for your community and Commonwealth. Please carefully review this form before filling it out. Please fill it out in full. Everything on this application will be confidential.
We won't discriminate against anyone because of registration status. Thank you!

What does an appointment to the PARSOL Board of Directors entail?

An appointment to the board requires commitment to the cause and ideals espoused by our organization. Serve a minimum of one (1) three-year term on the Board. Eligible to serve two (2) three-year terms if re-elected.  It requires attendance at monthly board meetings, the Annual In-person Board Meeting, emergency meetings, as well as any committee meetings on which a director serves. The time commitment is roughly an average of (5) five to (10) ten hours monthly.

This is a working board on which each member contributes his or her time toward doing the actual work it takes to meet the goals of the organization, a special project, or our in-person meeting. Thank you for considering being involved toward our important cause.

Fields marked with "*" are required.



I have read and agree with the mission,, of PARSOL as stated on their website. I do not support, nor am I a member of, any organization that advocates or condones sexual activity between adults and children or any organization that promotes or condones illegal activity of any sort. I believe that the best way to stop sexual abuse of any kind is through effective legislation based on empirical research. Although I may not agree with all the laws that have been passed regarding public conviction registries, I agree to follow those laws until such time as they are changed. I understand that my service to PARSOL is completely voluntary and may be stopped at any time by either myself or PARSOL. I understand that I am a volunteer for PARSOL and agree not to present myself as an official representative of PARSOL, nor to speak on behalf of PARSOL, except when directly authorized by the Board of Directors of PARSOL.

I understand it is my responsibility to ensure involvement does not violate any conditions of supervision or release and failure to do so may put both my freedom and PARSOL's work at risk.